Home Gym Equipment

If you are an individual who likes to stay fit and works out regularly, you may be visiting a gym a few times a week. Have you ever considered having your own home gym in your garage or other room in your house? If you have, here are some great tips that will help you get your home gym up and running.
What you will need
There are certain equipment that you should consider including in your home gym if you want to have an all round workout. Here are a few of them.
The Olympic Barbell
There are many types of barbells you can consider getting. You will easily find cheap ones on the market, but if you get a cheap one, you may end up with a bent barbell if you drop it just once from the height of your head. You should always, go for one that is of good quality, so it lasts longer.
Get some bumper plates
Bumper plates are a great piece of equipment to have in your home gym. However, with traditional ones that are made of steel, you can damage your floor if y ou drops it. You can opt for ones that are made of rubber and do not bounce too much if they are dropped.
Install a pull-up rig
A pull-up rig is an essential piece of training equipment. You can either build one yourself or buy a pre-fabricated one. Always make sure that you use a strong steel bar if you decide to build on yourself as a weak bar can cause you injury in case it bends.
Gym Rings
Many workout routines will include the use of gym rings. You can easily make them yourself if you are a DIY person, or you can also buy them online or at many sports and gym equipment stores.
Get a Kettlebell
If you want to increase your endurance and weight lifting capacity the kettlebell is an awesome choice. It is best to get one that weight anything between 16 to 24Kg’s but ensure you get one that matches your level of training and lifting capability.
A Rower
If you want to increase your flexibility and persistence, a rowing machine is a must. It gives your body a great overall workout, and you can use it as part of your warm up before you start lifting any weights.
There are many other pieces of equipment you can consider but it will all depend on the size of your gym